Friday, April 22, 2011

The Garden, The Mulch, The Blond



 I swear the more mulch I order, the smaller the pile looks every year when I get it, BUT, this is a new source since my usual people went out of business. Made the phone call, ordered, and in LESS than an hour, I had mulch!!!! It's LOVE baby for sure!!!

an improved mess...

got this fountain @ Shoprite at the end of the summer a couple of years ago...$7.50!!!

Can't afford to be running fountains when I still have no job, so I decided to put "hens & chicks" in the
 fountain instead. So far I just have some that were already in the garden, once the warm weather
actually sticks around I'll hit up the stores for some new stuff.

I sat in the garden yesterday, catching some sun on my face ( a bit chilly with the wind blowing), while waiting for a Weeping Cherry we bought over the weekend, to be delivered. An old friend from high school had asked me on Facebook if I wanted to walk that day but I hadn't seen it. When I went in the house to find out the nursery wanted to change my delivery to Friday, I decided to call this new guy for mulch before I forget another day. To my surprise the guy said he'll be here with in the next 2 hours......I replied "TODAY!!!!!????". Talk about going into shock! Damn, if he wasn't here in less than an hour, would of been even less if he didn't pass by my house 3 times.... The part that really cracks me up is that I am practically the ONLY person on this road with gardens AND I was in the front yard, planting stuff, to begin with, car parked on the lawn, BIG blue tarp down in the driveway......wouldn't these be screaming "MULCH HERE"????
So, anyway, after calling for the mulch, my phone rings and it's Jane wanting to hook up for a walk. Seems we are all finding out that we are indeed middle age, overweight, and the doctors are informing us of all our ailments that require immediate attention to eating right and exercising. One former classmate just recently had a heart attack, so I told him I would walk with him since we both have to make "changes", maybe we can make each other stick to it. As others seen the post on Facebook, others wanted to join us, this where Jane comes in. So I tell her I can't go cause I'm waiting for the mulch man to deliver.
Jane replies:" Got an extra shovel?" 
 Me: "Yeah??"
Jane: " OK, I'll come over and  help you mulch, that's exercise"
Me: "Yeah?????"
And she did. I'll be damned, she really did. Even carried rocks. And then she keeps thanking me, and I'm still thinking "Yeah????"
Of course now, gardening with someone who doesn't "know" your garden, you will always get the: "Is this something?", translation: weed? important stuff I shouldn't step on or smother with mulch? Hence Jane referred to as "Gardening with a Blond".....cause yes, she is blond. Was she easy to???? Let's just say I am still in awe that someone was actually asking me: what next? where do you want this? etc....... that just doesn't happen around here, it stills feels weird. I didn't have to threaten her, with hold food or clean clothing, throw a hissy fit, lay on the ground screaming , crying and stamping my feet.....and she kept thanking ME!
Now, as I get ready to get some more mulch done before classes tonight, I KNOW, without any doubt, my son who is on "spring break, is praying to all the Fishing Gods that Rule the Planet, that I DON'T ask him to help.
WOW, Many Thanks Again Jane!!!!
Oh yeah.....I fed her pizza and  she wanted to come back to day after while everyone else is on spring break I'll be going to class tonight....damn.


Karen said...

Oh, Jester, I laughed when I read about your tale of mulching with a blonde! I have a friend who loves to come over and help us garden too, and it's just awesome. She says it's cheaper than going to the gym and she feels as if she's accomplished something. I know what she means, walking on a treadmill to Nowhere and lifting meaningless weights seems so stupid.

My only regret is I may get too attached (and used to) the help she gives me during the season and if she decides to quit coming over I'll be left with a whole lot more work than I can handle. Right now it's the same way with my friend; she THANKS me for the opportunity to pitch mulch, deadhead hostas, and even for sticking her out in the Back Eight with a rake and a trailer raking up pine needles. I feel like I should be paying her!!

Love your stories, you are a dear blogging friend, have a great weekend. P.S. I have been walking as much as I possibly can and trying to watch what I eat but parts of my body are still headed south at an alarming rate. I'm 53 now, can't imagine what I'll look like when I'm 60.....yikes.

Lisa said...

RIP Jane.....

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