Thursday, January 27, 2011

The view is even better today!

Couple of Hunter's friends showed up with a Kubota w/ plow & plowed the driveway!!!! YAY!!!!! But seriously, how many other dweebs out there have a garage but don't put their car in it when we are going to get a foot of snow??? Really, don't comment, I'm doing a bang up job cursing myself out....

My neighbor's house across the street, I don't what it is about pine trees covered in snow, but I just think they are spectacular looking.

Think I'm going to have to help this shrub used to be round....and can you see the solar balls out there??? They're going to look really cool tonight!

My other neighbor's barn, its always been a beautiful view, but alas, we put up a garage & I can no longer see it when chillaxing in the back garden. Oh the things I have to sacrifice......But on the upswing, my newly acquired neighbor owns a health store and is planting/farming the fields in between our houses which is welcome news to us. Now if the deer will just go eat his stuff instead of mine I would be very seriously, I kinda don't really mean that...
I remember when we first moved here, the older couple that lived there then, came over, introduced themselves & apologized for the runned down condition of their barns & fences. Ron & I, on the other hand, couldn't believe they didn't have people lining up for permission to paint the beautiful scene it provides! We told them to come sit in our yard cause we are definitely not seeing the same place!!

Got to make some new trails with the quad for Manny & Tess to get around, the snow is up to their noses. I need to unbury my chiminea & swing in the back garden here...yeah I know, garden? what stinkin garden???? If I sit to the back side, I  still get the view of my neighbor's barn.

It's turning out to be an awesomely beautiful day! Think it's time to get on the quad & take a ride around for some more pictures. Time to go play....LATER!

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