Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Busy Mom/Wife/Student/Blogger & a Possessed Camera

So, things are wrapping up for the semester at school: 2 finals down, 2 to go on Monday =  BREAK TIME!!! WOHOOOO! I am so ready for this!!! It's been really hard trying to find time (or a subject) for this blog and then to top it off my camera is possessed I SWEAR! I think I have mentioned this before....
Just last week we attended the wedding of one of  my most favorite "surrogate kids", the first of all my favorite brats to get married. I have FOUR we get there just in time and DAMNIT if 3 batteries are dead (I know I charged all of them too!!!) so * RELIEF SIGH * one finally works....then the camera starts doing weird stuff & won't work. I got 5 crappy pictures, that's it. To say I was pissed, is an understatement...the rest of the night was an absolute blast so I forgot all about the offending camera.

A few weeks ago I came across another blog called Along Life's Highway, The Yard Art Game. Another addiction has been born!! The basic idea of the game is capturing people's yard art on camera & getting points for items, well check it out & see the list.....& play too!  Let's face it, alot of us have some extraordinary stuff highlighting in our gardens, and some of us like some tacky sentimental as hell stuff to. So here's the chance to have some fun enjoying other people's idea of "yard art" and compete against others for a grand prize (well that depends on your taste, haahaha) at the end of the year. So after finding this incredible game, I have been stalking neighborhoods all over Hunterdon County with my camera. I never leave home without it and always have my batteries charged. I am now a No#1 not watching where I am going driver, so if you see me coming,  get out of the way, WAY out of the way. My camera has been just fine. So what the hell happened when I went to the wedding???seriously??? I just picked it up again this morning to give it another go, cause a new camera is not in my (99er) unemployment status budget, Christmas or not. DAMN! stupid thing is just fine this morning!!!! AGAIN. Its not like I just got a digital camera for the first time & don't know how to use it so I press buttons & spin dials & hope for the best....or like my husband does, ask for help AFTER doing all of the above......I am positive the thing is possessed, so I will talk nice to it & treat it like a king....yeah, king of the pains in my arse......

I took a picture of my Christmas Tree, finally done with it yesterday. Things have been so busy the boys just stopped at Home Depot & grabbed one.

Yup, this is our little tree. probably one of the smallest we've had, but no worries, in my book EVERY Christmas tree is beautiful. I love staring at it at night, just wish we had it up earlier before I here the dreaded "when are you gonna take that thing down already...". Next year I want to start doing the "live" tree thing. I  didn't realize how prepared I needed to be ahead of time for that, so we will give it a try next year & then we can plant them afterwards.

Being on a tight budget also leads way to being creative with what you have. Since Christmas will be here, I decided to make some luminaries for outside. I am an absolute fanatic about having Christmas lights, especially if you have children. Growing up when I was little in Staten Island, all the houses glowing with lights was incredible, something I will never forget, so I feel the need to do my part for someone else.
Below are my luminaries in the making. I already had everything: regular old craft glue, small paint brush, garland, glitter wire, bells and spaghetti sauce jars....
when I'm done adding the garland & bells, I'll add some sand (still laying on my picnic table from attempting  "leaf castings with hypertufa..) & a votive candle.  In a nutshell I just added some food coloring & glitter to glue & painted it on the jars, added some bells with wire, then glued on some garland I had laying around. I probably should & will spray them with some sealer.

Hopefully I get back here more often, but either way...Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas & an awesome New Year!

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